Consumer Class Actions

Consumer class action lawsuits are brought by individuals (“Class Representatives”) on behalf of a larger group of consumers who have been injured in a similar way. Class actions were created because of the difficulty and impracticality of each injured person filing an individual lawsuit. Class action attorneys such as Pelton  Graham file the case on behalf of the Class Representative and all the similarly injured consumers.

Class Representatives are often, like whistleblowers and victims of sexual harassment, strongly motivated by a desire to simply see the unfair conduct stop, in addition to gaining compensation for their damages.

Together we stand: Little fish eats big shark illustration

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Class Representatives

Although the recoveries for individuals in consumer class actions are generally small, Class Representatives are often eligible for extra service or incentive awards in recognition of the work of bringing the case. These awards are usually in the range of $500 to $20,000, with the largest being nearly $100,000. Class Representatives do not pay any legal fees or other expenses of the lawsuit, but they do have certain responsibilities to assist during the litigation. The Class Representative awards are based on factors such as their individual damages, the complexity of the case, the amount of assistance provided to the attorneys, and how much compensation was paid to the class members.

If you are aware of an unfair practice, unsafe product, or consumer “rip off” that has affected not only you, but a larger group of consumers in a similar way, give Pelton Graham a call for a no cost evaluation of the situation. Class actions are complex and expensive cases to bring, but if the case is there you can count on us to pursue it diligently on your behalf. If you are a group of employees who have been wronged in a similar way by the same employer, find out more about employment class action lawsuits.

We're all in this together: Diverse people stacking hands together

Examples of Consumer Class Action Lawsuits

We’re Here to Help

If you are concerned about an unfair or dangerous product or practice that affects many people, you should act promptly to seek advice. This is important both in order to stop the unfair or unsafe activity, and because consumer protection laws have strict filing deadlines which could bar your claim. Pelton Graham is here to help.

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